The term live response is being heard more and more frequently but what exactly is it and how does it differ from traditional forensics. Live response and traditional forensics have a lot in common in that they both are looking for similar artifacts on a system. The differentiator.. Event Log Explorer™ is an effective software solution for viewing, monitoring and analyzing events recorded in Security, System, Application and other logs of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Event Log Explorer greatly extends standard Windows Event Viewer monitoring functionality and brings many new features.
소프트웨어와 서비스가 함께 제공되는 eDiscovery 마켓 사이즈 분석에 대한 자료. 추정과 예상 Taken from a combination of public market sizing estimations* as shared in leading electronic discovery publications, posts and discussions over time, the following eDis.. eDiscovery 에서 일하다가 어느쪽 분야로 진로를 선택할 수 있을까? 1. Information Governance Consultant2. Sales Engineer/Solutions Architect 3. Corporate Cost Reduction Specialist, aka “e-Discovery Special/Of Counsel” 4. Relativity Consultant (또는 다른 솔루션) 5. Independent Contractor/Consultant The e-discovery industry is getting bigger and sm..
기존의 키워드 검색 방식은 이제 진부하고 오늘은 Concept search와 Predictive Coding을 설명해 줄게. Conceptual search 기술은 사용자들이 키워드가 아닌 concept을 가지고 검색 가능하게 하는거지. 예를 들어, 'dog'이라는 키워드의 경우에 키워드 방식은 단순히 d o g 라는 글자만 가지고 매칭하는 단어를 찾아내지만, 컨셉서치는 '4개의 다리를 가진 동물' , '골든리트리버', 동물입양' , 등 몇 개의 단어들이 cluster돼서 'dog'이라는 의미를 형상화 내도록 하여 관련 문서를 찾아내도록 하는거지. 이는 반드시 clustering 능력이 뒷바침 되어야 가능하단다. Predictive coding은 자동화 기술과 human interaction 이 합해져서..
내용에 보면 FRCP 5.2.가 이제 eDiscovery 과정에서 거쳐야 하는 필수 스텝으로 자리매김하고 있다는데, 이거 전에 신경 안쓰고 있었지만 우리나라도 개인정보에 민감하다 보니 이 부분도 고려를 해야겠다는 생각이 드네. 아래 읽어 봐라. The redaction process has been considere..
Reference Site An icon on the Windows desktop represents a directory in which deleted files are temporarily stored. This enables you to retrieve files that you may have accidentally deleted. From time to time, you’ll want to purge the recycle bin to free up space on your hard disk. You can also configure Windows so that it doesn’t use ..
Refer to Although lobbyists are working to expand exemption thresholds, CIOs, compliance managers, general counsel, and IT managers must monitor the ongoing developments of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act rules. Even w..
A judge has determined that Samsung probably violated a court-ordered agreement to keep Apple documents secret, the latest snit in the epic patent battle between the companies that started in the summer of 2012. Judge Paul Grewal asked to look over the documents himself last month. Now, "having finally crawled out from under the boxes," he says it does look like the order was breached and "sanct.. I’ve received many, many inquiries about recovering deleted records from SQLite databases ever since I posted an article about my first attempt to recover deleted data. Well, the hypothesis of checking the difference between the original database and a vacuumed copy seemed sound at the time and did in fact yield d..