FTI 보고서에 나온 얘기다. 2015년도에는 eDiscovery 에 큰 변화가 일어날 거라 한다. 2년 밖에 안남았다. 그 내용은, 1. Predictive Coding이 eDiscovery에 큰 Impact를 가져다 줄것이다. 2. eDiscovery 전문가들은 다양한 분야의 기술을 가져야 할 것이다. 3. eDiscovery 분야는 In-house 가 외부리소스와의 협력으로 이끌어 질 것이다. 4. Cloud 상에서 hosting과 review가 대세가 될 것이다. 내가 보기엔, 2015년이 아니라 당장 2013년도 예고라고 할 수 있겠다.
처음 알았다 한국어도 Predictive Coding이 된다는 사실을. 한국어는 아직 형태소를 분석하는게 정확하지 않아 Predictive coding이 불가능하다고 알고 있었는데, 어느 eDiscovery 컨설팅사가 3월달에 출시한다고 한다. 역시 저력을 갖고 있는 회사임에 틀림없다. 이제 한국어 Predictive Coding이 안되는 eDiscovery 솔루션은 취급 안 합니다~~~ 덧붙여, 이 회사 외에 국내에서 eDiscovery 컨설팅 해 주는데는 도대체 왜 없는거야!
I deliver comprehensive computer forensic services and ediscovery services to international legal team or corporate counsel. I mainly perform forensic collection, preservation, analysis, review, and reporting. For corporate investigation and legal support, it is very important that forensic examiner is capable of not only communication with legal team but also conducting examination with local k..
ElcomSoft researchers were able to decrypt iPhone’s encrypted file system images made under iOS 4 and will be releasing the product implementing this functionality for the exclusive use of law enforcement, forensic, and intelligence agencies. iPhone devices store or cache enormous amounts of information about how, when, and where the device has been used. The amount of sensitive information coll..
There is no question that there is mass confusion and uncertainty as to what one’s duty is with regard to legal holds in litigation. Fortunately, the Sedona Conference in its Fall 2010 Journal, published the Commentary on Legal Holds: The Trigger & The Process, in The Sedona Conference Journal® . Within the commentary, 11 guidelines were suggested to help with complying with the duty to preserve..
Cloud computing -- or computing as a utility-- has captured the interest of IT departments and bottom-line focused executives everywhere. Proponents of the cloud compare it to the shift in electrical power generation at the turn of the century, where companies had to generate their own electric power to run factories. Power generation was not a core skill, so outages were common and facilities h..
Proponents of the cloud ecosystem touts its "vastness, flexibility and scalability as advantages for the implementation of cloud services. However, from a digital point of view this can be a veritable forensic challenge as we view the cloud in terms of its scope and diversity. According to Dr. Stephen Wolthusen[1] "Digital forensics (also referred to at times as computer forensics) encompasses a..