The US intelligence agency NSA has been taking advantage of the smartphone boom. It has developed the ability to hack into iPhones, android devices and even the BlackBerry, previously believed to be particularly secure. Michael Hayden has an interesting story to tell about the iPhone. He and his wife were in an Apple store in Virginia, Hayden, the former head of the United States National Securi..
The Florida Supreme Court recently considered the data storage capability of a smartphone in the context of a Fourth Amendment search and seizure case. The Court reported what we all intuitively know to be true: “Modern cell phones can contain as much memory as a personal computer and could conceivably contain the entirety of one’s personal photograph collection, home videos, music library, and ..
정부조사에 따른 보존 처리절차는 eDiscovery 와 동일하다 보면 되며 범위나 방식에 대해 협의 제안이 가능하다 Any organization that has been the subject of an SEC investigation or received an administrative subpoena from a government agency will attest to the fact that being compelled to turn over documents isn’t a whole lot of fun. However, the reality is that many of the processes that organizations rely on to fulfill these requests are ..
하나의 case에서 원고 피고 모두 같은 밴더를 이용하는데에 문제가 없단다 다만 priviledged 또느 confidential informaion 다루는 것에 명확하게 선을 그을수 있어야 한단다 Can an e-discovery vendor “switch sides” in a case, performing services first for one side and then for the other? A U.S. magistrate judge has denied a motion seeking to disqualify an e-discovery consulting company for precisely that reason. Finding that the company was never privy to t..
Document dumps deliberately comprising significant numbers of non-responsive documents are of course never appropriate and have long been frowned upon by the courts. Neither is it appropriate to deliberately bury a smoking gun document in the middle of a heap of marginally responsive documents. Both tactics long predate ESI. But the ever-increasing volume of ESI—now often measured in terabytes—e..
Mornings are a great time for getting things done. You’re less likely to be interrupted than you are later in the day. Your supply of willpower is fresh after a good night’s sleep. That makes it possible to turn personal priorities like exercise or strategic thinking into reality. But if you’ve got big goals--and a chaotic a.m. schedule--how can you make over your mornings to make these goals ha..
오늘은 proportionality에 대해 얘기좀 해 줄게 ediscovery 하는데 원고쪽에서 자꾸 자료를 요청하는 바람에 돈 퍼부러가면서 자료들 긁어모아 줬더니 비슷한 요청이 끝도 없는거야. 이미 줄대로 준거 같은데 슬슬 열이 오르겠지. 요럴때 피고쪽에서 Proportionality test를 법원에 요청하는거지. '이번 요청은 돈도 많이 들고 이제까지 제출한 자료와 크게 다를바가 없을거 같고 지금까지 충분한 자료가 제공됐으니 이번 요청은 제외해달라'. 물론 이걸 설득하는건 피고가 하는 거고 법원이 reasonable 하다 여기면 받아들여지는 것이지. 주로 돈에 관련된 건데 돈을 쓴만큼 효과적이지 않다면 그 돈이 unduly burdensome이라 보고 원고의 request를 기각하는거지. Edisc..