Social media and webmail are so popular and so easy to navigate today that even your grandmother could use it. And if she is like billions of other people in the world, she already has a social network profile (2.4 billion) or an email account (3.1 billion). With almost everyone—from small children to great-grandparen..
E-DISCOVERY is NEVER PERFECT 그래서 PM이 그 부족한 부분을 매워줘야 한다 PM의 능력이 소송의 승패까지 좌우할 수 있으므로, 반드시 영어커뮤니케이션이 가능하고 책임감이 강하며 기초가 튼튼하며 지식이 깊은 E-DISCOVERY PM을 보유하여야 한다 특히나, 서버네트워크/시스템관리/보안담당/컴퓨터수리 출신을 EDISCOVERY PM으로 고용하는 것은 각별한 주의가 필요할 것이다. 왜냐면 이들은 IT와 E-DISCOVERY의 차이를 이해하지 못하고 IT가 E-DISCOVERY의 기초라 생각하기 때문에 일하는 것만 봐도 용팔이 수준을 벗어나지 못한다. 버튼 누르는 기술이 아닌 버튼 눌렀을 때 어떤 일이 Low Level에서 일어나는지를 이해하고, 앞으로 어떠한 위험이 발생할지를 정확히..
개정된 EDISCOVERY FRCP Rule 37(e) 참고 Noteworthy among the changes are the following: 1. No strict liability. The “because a party failed to take reasonable steps” language of section (e) sets the foundation for culpability; there is no strict liability for inability to produce ESI. 2. Opportunity..
1. Project Management time billing increments 2. Project management time billed for fee-based items or other tasks that should not be billed 3. Credit to gix vendor errors 4. Charges shoudl conform to the contract 5. Track tiered volumes 6. Track user licenses 7. Credit for negotiated freebies 8. Data loaded = data hosted 9. System availabilty credits 10. The invoice date is important
“although discovery costs are necessary, the way a business operates can have a significant impact on its bottom line.” Here are some of tips for keeping litigation discovery costs down: Do some of the work for your counsel: Part of the discovery process is lawyers determining who are the essential people to speak with and where are the important documents. “Doing some of the initial legwork you..
스마트폰 분석을 위한 Acquisition, Memory 분석, 유용한 파일 경로 등을 포스터 형식으로 제작하여 배포중이네. SANS Advanced Smartphone Forensics Poster Release There is one certain thing in the DFIR field, and that is that there are far more facts, details and artifacts to remember than ..
한국에서는 먼 훗날의 얘기가 되겠지만, 언제가는 Legal Hold 구시스템을 새것으로 교체하면서 고려해 볼 만한 사항들이겠군 Organizations change legal hold systems for a variety of reasons. In some cases, a company simply out grows an existing tool and needs something more scalable and accommodating to a larger workload. In other circumstances, an orga.. The difference between e-discovery and information governance is the difference between reactive and proactive. When documents shifted to digital format, companies needed a solution to help find and identify the electronically stored information necessary for legal procedures. Ente.. [author: Charles Lavallée] One of the biggest problems law firms and corporate clients face is the unpredictable nature of costs associated with e-discovery, since all it takes is for one large and/or unpredictable case for expenses to skyrocket. In response, e-discovery service providers are increasingly moving toward flat or fixed f..