설치 -> https://github.com/P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin/wiki/Installationgit clone https://github.com/P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin.git cd WiFi-Pumpkin chmod +x installer.sh sudo ./installer.sh --install잘 만든 툴이다. FAKE AP 만들어서 공공장소에서 작동시키면 여러 사람이 걸려든다. 임베디드툴도 잘 만들어져 있고, 깔끔하게 작동한다. 비번 없는 와이파이를 사용하면 반드시 credential을 지우는게 중요하다. 와이파이를 끄지 않는한 자동으로 걸려둘수 있다.
http://www.hackingtutorials.org/metasploit-tutorials/setup-metasploitable-3-windows-10/ 링크타고 들어가서 확인할 것 Before we can continue with the installation procedure we need to install a few dependencies:Packer v1.0.0: https://www.packer.io/downloads.htmlVagrant 1.9.1: https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/1.9.1/Vagrant Reload Plugin v0.0.1: https://github.com/aidanns/vagrant-reloadVirtualbox 5.1.14: ..
The Top Five Metasploit - Metasploit is an open source platform for developing and testing exploits. It's available for both Unix and Windows systems. This is a far more advanced tool than the others on this list, and requires more programming knowlege to run and use. The advantage is that a specific exploit can be fully demonstrated to exist, rather than noted as a potential vulnerability. This..