티스토리 뷰


New Data Types and eDiscovery

YOURIFE 2020. 1. 19. 07:09



New Data Types and eDiscovery: From Social Media and Slack to the Cloud

While the collection phase of legal discovery only consumes between 8-12% of each dollar spent on eDiscovery, it is increasingly becoming the most critical and complex task in the eDiscovery lifecycle based on the accelerating introduction of new data type


하루가 다르게 새로운 트랜딩 어플리케이션이 등장하고 사용자들은 그들의 필요에 따라 움직인다. 데이터도 함께 움직인다. 어떻게 컬렉션 할 것인가?

Emerging Types of Data

+ GSuite: Collection, Processing, and Review Considerations
+ O365: Collection, Processing, and Review Considerations
+ Slack and Other Web-Based Collaboration Platforms: Fundamentals and Collection Considerations

Web-Based Collections

+ Considering APIs: Definition and Description
+ Two Major Methods of Cloud Collection: Data+Metadata and Web Imaging
+ From Calculable Websites to Stealth Collections

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